Some of the questions people ask:
Can I park at the church?
We have a car park behind the church.
Is there a dress code?
No, please come as you feel comfortable. We are a pretty casual lot. Some wear jeans and t-shirts, others are smarter. We don't think what you wear on the outside is nearly as important as who you are inside.
What will happen when I arrive?
We always have someone at the door to welcome you. They will help you find your way around.
What happens during the service?
Typically, a service will include hymns, prayers, bible readings and a message based on the readings. We take Holy Communion once a month and all are welcome at the Lord's table.
Do I have to sing?
We enjoy singing as an expression of our worship, but we don't expect visitors to join in unless they feel comfortable. People often stay seated, so it won't be odd if you want to just sit and watch. Then again, if you join in, you may find you enjoy it!
Are children welcome?
Absolutely. There are various levels of Junior Church. Once a month, we have All Age Worship at 10.30 and, also once a month, our young people (Year 7 and up) enjoy their own God spot. (see our family page)
Do you collect money during the service?
As Christians, we see giving as an expression of our love for God. We also want to be a church which reaches out to our local community and contributes to those who have need. Many people give once a month or by standing order so it won’t look strange if you don't put something in the collection plate or you can use card machine in the foyer.
Will I be asked to do anything?
No one will make you uncomfortable by asking you! We find that once a person has been attending church for a while, they tell us that they’re ready to help. Only then do we suggest some of the many small services that contribute to the success of the church.
Do you do anything 'weird'?
It depends what you mean by 'weird'! Some of our services are traditional, some are modern. Some are very lively, some are quiet and contemplative. Once a month we take communion (bread and wine) and all are welcome to come to the Lord's table.
Do you hire out rooms?
Yes, we do. Several local organisations book rooms for various activities and, on occasion, an individual or a family will book a room for a party or gathering. The church isn't suitable for every kind of event as alcohol may not be consumed on the premises. Use the email link below to check availability.
You’ll find more about our services and activities in other parts of the website or you can Email Us with your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.