Families, children & young people

Junior Church

Junior Church meets twice a month on Sunday mornings during the 10.30am service providing a relaxed and fun environment for our children and young people to learn about the Good News through a variety of activities.

Jesus and Me

We have three groups in Junior Church:
JaM (Jesus and Me) – from age 2 to the end of Infant School.
The Junior School age group form the second, JaFfa (Jesus, a friend for all) and young people in secondary school meet in 
T4C (Teens for Christ)*

All Age Worship takes place once a month and, on the other Sundays, including the occasional fifth Sunday, supervised colouring, games and puzzles will be available in the Main Hall.

Thus, each month, unless we notify a change:
Week One -                        Junior Church  and Holy Communion     
Week Two (and Five) -    A children's talk in church, followed by fun in the Hall
Week Three -                     Junior Church
Week Four -                       All Age Worship

Ignite includes the cross

Fortnightly on Sunday late afternoons - a games-based Youth Club for those in Year 7 upwards.  The next meeting is on September 8th.

Boys' & Girls' Brigades

Boys’ Brigade is an international organisation over 125 years old, and 2nd Fleet Company has been running at FMC since 1986.  We meet every Wednesday evening in term time and aim to share the gospel and encourage the development of a personal Christian faith.

Email  for more information.

The aim of the Girls' Brigade is to seek, serve and follow Jesus Christ. We have around 30 girls in 2nd Fleet Girls' Brigade Company, led by three officers and six auxiliary staff. During term time we meet each Monday evening.

Email for more information

Brick Builders

A once-a-month activity for young people of any age - we have the Lego bricks if you have the time to join us for two hours on a Saturday.
Check here for dates.

Light Party

Light Party

Every 31st of October, we host a Light Party, a fun alternative exploring what it means to shine as a light in the world.  The party is aimed at children up to 11 (year 6) and all musical be accompanied by an adult.  With food, crafts and a load of games, we guarantee fun for all the family! 

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