News & Events

Tea & Chat 2024    teapot

           We shall be drinking tea and eating cake and chatting with our friends on Thursday afternoons from 3.00 to 4.45 starting on 25th July until the end of August,  Everyone is welcome - why not bring a friend?

Afternoon Service with Holy Communion

        Thursday 15th August            3.00pm
Led by Revd. Nick Oborski, the service will last for half an hour and be followed by tea and cake.

Summer Fun 2024    

           73 children joined us for fun on 24th July.  We're gathering every Wednesday during the Summer holiday, for a morning of fun based around a different Christian core value (love, forgiveness, etc), linked to a familiar animated film.

Summer Fun

Brick Builders               We have the Lego bricks if you have the time to join us for two hours on a Saturday.  Each session will encourage the young and not-so-young to create a model based on the story for the day.  All young people must be accompanied by an adult.  Entry is free, there will be refreshments and the dates are:

                    The next date is 3rd August from 4pm - 6pm

FMC Mission Monthly Coffee Mornings     10.30am - 12noon

will start again in September