Relationship with the World
Fleet Phoenix

With effect from 1st September 2024, our Mission moves on to support Fleet Phoenix, Fleet's own charity working to empower our young people. See their website here.
It will be a privilege and blessing to support them this Christmas by supplying goodies for their Christmas parcels. This is what they have suggested:-
Teenage gifts, ages 14-18 years old
Items such as: blankets, socks, smelly sets (male and female), make up, body sprays, perfume, aftershave, handbags, backpacks, washbags, make up bags, adult colouring books and pens, notebooks, small Bluetooth speakers, headphones, ‘oodies’ (hooded blankets) – any gifts you think a teenager would like.
Please do not worry about wrapping or putting them into bags as we need to see what each child/young person is being given.
We can accept all items (barring food as we don’t know about allergies) but all items must be new and unused.
Deadline: Sunday 24th November Please put donations in the box in Church foyer
Mission Aviation Fellowship

From 1st September 2023 to 31st August 2024, our Mission supported Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), raising well over £2,000. MAF's vision is "To see isolated people changed by the love of Christ."
Ocean Stars Trust

Founded by FMC member Dilanee B after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, Ocean Stars now supports pre-school education in areas of Sri Lanka where there is little government funding.
Through the charity, FMC is partnered with Mandur Methodist Church, and members of FMC go out to Sri Lanka every autumn.

Samaritan's Purse
Each year, many church members have packed a brightly-coloured shoebox as part of Operation Christmas Child, reaching out to children affected by war, poverty, natural disaster or famine with the Love of Jesus Christ. This year, we shall be concentrating on Fleet Phoenix Christmas Parcels, so please click the logo to send a virtual shoebox if that's what you would like to do.
Action for Children

Each year, all collections from our Christmas services go to support Action for Children,founded 150 years ago by Methodist minister, Thomas Bowman Stephenson.
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