Relationships with each other
House Fellowships
Meeting at members' homes, programmes include outings, picnics, guest speakers and the occasional Bible study. The emphasis is on social interaction and building friendships.
Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship
We meet in the church hall during school terms for tea and chat and a talk from a guest speaker. Subjects vary from holidays to nature, from music to poetry, from sacred to 'secular' and from the serious to the decidedly light-hearted.
LOTS (Ladies out together socialising)
We want to reach out beyond the church and invite you join us on the third Friday of each month at 7.30pm for friendship and a meal. We meet at various restaurants across the local area, suiting a range of culinary preferences.
Coffee and Cake
Once a month on a Saturday, except August, our groups take it in turns to run a coffee morning, another opportunity to get to know more people in our community. Coffee, tea and biscuits are also served every week after the 10.30 service.
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